Palestra da Macquarie University (Austrália) – 3/11/2014


logo (1)No dia 3 de novembro, às 14 horas, acontecerá na Sala dos Conselhos (térreo da Reitoria) uma palestra da Macquarie University, situada em Sydney, Austrália.

Macquarie University, fundada em 1964, tem cerca de 28.000 alunos matriculados e inclui programas de graduação e pós-graduação, nas áreas de Matemática, Estatística, Física e Astronomia, Química e Ciências Biomoleculares, Ciências da Terra, Ciências do Ambiente, Ciências Biológicas, Engenharia, Computação e Quiropraxia.

Nessa palestra o Prof. Dr. Peter Nelson, Dean of Science and professor of Environmental Studies, apresentará a Macquire University (focando nas oportunidades de pesquisa, seja em nível de doutorado pleno ou sanduíche, ou pós-Doc pelo Ciência sem Fronteiras, mas também nas possibilidades de Joint Research e Cotutelles, e inclusive bolsas financiadas pela Universidade para estudantes da UFSC realizarem programas de Pesquisa.

Além disso, o palestrante descreverá sua investigação em questões ambientais relacionadas ao uso de energia. Isso inclui estudos sobre as fontes, transporte e destino do mercúrio no ambiente atmosférico entre outros assuntos relacionados.


Prof. Peter Nelson

Peter Nelson was appointed Professor of Environmental Studies, Macquarie University in 2001, and Associate Dean Research in the Faculty of Science in 2008. He was previously Senior Principal Research Scientist in CSIRO Energy Technology, where he managed projects on energy and the environment, air pollutant measurement, mechanism of formation and control. Professor Nelson has had more than 30 years experience in research on the assessment and control of air pollution and on environmental issues associated with energy use. Professor Nelson’s research expertise is in the assessment and control of pollution and on environmental issues associated with energy use, with emphasis on toxic organics from industrial and vehicular sources, trace elements and waste management. The outputs of this research have been published in the scientific literature (> 200 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers), and in major commissioned reports for government and industry. Much of this work was done in close cooperation either directly with industry (eg, ARC-Linkage projects with RioTinto; CRC program; Australian Coal Association Research Program, NSW Power Generators) or government (eg, with the Australian Greenhouse Office; Department of Environment Water Heritage & the Arts, New South Wales Department of Environment Climate Change & Water).


Mais informações: Guie Hartney –