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A meeting of Prorectors for Graduate Studies, Prorectors for Research, and Secretaries for International Relations of Higher Education Institutions of the Brazilian Southern Region took place on 17 March at PUC in Porto Alegre, in order to present to the academic community the national program Mais Ciência, Mais Desenvolvimento – MCMD [More science, More development], which shall replace the Ciência sem Fronteiras – CsF [Science without Borders) program.

At the event, promoted by CAPES, the internationalization of the higher education in the country was discussed, in addition to the requirements demanded by CAPES for higher education institutions (HEI) to participate in the call for proposals with an opening date scheduled for July this year. Among the requirements, each participating HEI must present a four-year plan to internationalize the institution’s teaching and research activities. In addition, these activities should envisage strategic partnerships with renowned HEIs in specific areas of knowledge that are of interest to the participating HEI.

The main focus of the project will be students developing research and knowledge production activities at the graduate level, but undergraduate students holding a scientific initiation scholarship will also be able to participate. The MCMD program also foresees the creation of partnerships between Brazilian and foreign universities, in addition to the payment, by CAPES, of scholarships for students who are approved in the program. Public and private universities may participate in the MCMD’s call, as long as they offer master’s and doctoral degree programs.