Outreach Projects for Energy Engineering Students


On UFSC Araranguá Campus, two outreach projects are being developed at the School of Sciences, Technologies and Health by professors and students of the Energy Engineering Program, in partnership with German organizations.

  • Plant of the Planet (https://www.plant-for-the-planet.org/en/home)
    Targeted at schools in the municipality of Araranguá, it seeks to encourage environmental awareness, planting trees and climate protection. The project is taken to schools by students of the energy engineering program, taking into account that the energy sector is a major contributor of the emissions that contribute to the concentration of greenhouse gases.
  • Technology Without Borders (https://www.teog.ngo/en/?lang=en)
    Targeted at energy engineering students for the application of community projects in the region of Araranguá. The projects aim at the use of renewable energies through the implementation of social technologies.

More information can be obtained from the coordinators of the projects: Prof. Kátia Madruga (katiamadruga08@gmail.com), Prof. Claus Pich (claus.pich@gmail.com) and Prof. Reginaldo Geremias (reginaldo.geremias@gmail.com).