Final Result for the AUGM Escala Estudiantes de Grado Program 2018.2


Sem títuloThe Office of International Relations (SINTER), in accordance with the Call for Applications no. 04/SINTER/2018, announces the Final Result for the AUGM Escala de Estudiantes de Grado Program for studying abroad in the second semester of 2018.

Final Result for the AUGM Escala Estudiantes de Grado Program 2018.2

Student Degree Program HEI Country, City
Aline Akina Arai Psychology UNT Argentina, Tucuman
Cediane Zanetti Agriculture (Curitibanos) UNNE Argentina, Corrientes
Dylan Thomas Telles Amandio Agriculture UNC Argentina, Córdoba
Eliza Eichler Brites International Relations UPLA Chile, Valparaíso
Guilherme Nichele da Rocha Forest Engineering (Curitibanos) UNNE Argentina, Corrientes
Gustavo Abiel Link Control and Automation Engineering (Blumenau) UNL Argentina, Santa Fé


Henrique Martins da Silveira International Relations USACH Chile, Santiago
Jade Kelfeltz Journalism UNL Argentina, Santa Fé
Luana Ávila Gusmão Biological Sciences UNCUYO Argentina, Mendoza
Paula Gabriela Werlang International Relations UNCUYO Argentina, Mendoza
Paulo Ricardo de Araújo Miranda Psychology UDELAR Uruguay, Montevideo
Pedro Xavier de Cunha Psychology UNL Argentina, Santa Fé
Romário Fernandes Conrad Spanish Language and Literature UNC Argentina, Córdoba
Sávio Rodrigo Nardelli Social Sciences UNCUYO Argentina, Mendoza
Victor Klauck Beirith International Relations UNS Argentina, Bahía Blanca
Vitor Vieira Machado Antropology UBA Argentina, Buenos Aires

After the cancellation of two places previously offered by UPLA, SINTER negotiated two other ones with the Universidad Nacional de Litoral (UNL), in order to maintain the number of places for the second semester of 2018.

Upon the withdrawal of classified students whose initial university options were not contemplated, SINTER followed the application ranking, offering the places for the next classified candidates.

Sinter will contact the selected students in due time.