AUGM XXVIII Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores – Final Results


SINTER announces the result of the selection process of the papers for the XXVIII Jornadas de Jovens Pesquisadores from the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM), according to the CALL FOR APPLICATIONS 11/SINTER/2021:

Undergraduate Program

Aline M. de Borba
Andressa Figueiredo Pereira
John Francis Cordeiro Pacheco
Larissa Bizelli
Lorenza Augusta Belitzki Ferrar
Mariana Winck Spanholi
Nathalia Coppini
Nayara Alves dos Santos

Graduate Program

Aline Pacheco Primão
André Felipe Bozio
Anne Natalie Prigol
Cibelle Dória da Cunha Bueno
Fernanda da Luz Efe
Francielson da Silva Barbosa
Karen Laíse Moroski
Najla Adel Saleh
Renato Muchiuti Aranha
Renê Santos de Amorim


SINTER will get in touch with the selected students by email for further guidance.