Final result of the selection for Programa Escala de Estudiantes de Posgrado da AUGM


PosgradoSINTER announces the result of the selection process for the Programa Escala de Estudiantes de Posgrado from AUGM, in accordance with the Public Call nº 2/SINTER/2016.





The classified master’s students are:

Name Rank
Ana Luíza Casasanta Garcia 1st place
Antônio Couto Nunes 2nd place
Ananda Christina Staats Pires 3rd place

The classified doctoral students are:

Name Rank
Cecilia Sere Quintero 1st place
Letícia Selinger Galant 2nd place
Francisco Arenhart da Veiga Lima 3rd place
Lais Gonçalves Natalino 4th place
Alexander Vladimir Belivuk Moraes 5th place


Students ranked first and second place are entitled to receive the scholarship as stated in the call.

We ask the selected students to await contact from SINTER’s staff with information on the procedures for the trip.