Translation Service

SINTER’s Translation Service is responsible for meeting the translation needs of SINTER, the Rector’s Office and UFSC’s central executive bodies (particularly English/Portuguese and Portuguese/English translation).

Note: From November 2024, undergradute students and alumni can access their transcripts or records in English directly through CAGR. To learn more, click here.

In addition, we offer to the university community:

For further information, contact the Translation Service at or +55 48 3721-6202.

Staff: Luciana Miashiro Lima – Head of Translation Service (on leave for pursuing doctoral studies)
            Paula Eduarda Michels – English/Portuguese Translator and Interpreter

::: For translations into other languages, access the  Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT) website. NILT has made available a Portuguese/Spanish Translation Glossary and a Portuguese/French Translation Glossary.