General Information

The Office of International Relations (SINTER) provides the UFSC community – including its international members – with opportunities to develop proficiency in different languages through the following institutional initiatives:

Language Policy coordination at UFSC

To coordinate and align the language training initiatives of the Office of International Relations (SINTER) with UFSC’s internationalization goals, SINTER appointed Professor Gilvan Müller de Oliveira, from the Department of Vernacular (Portuguese) Language and Literature (DLLV), as Language Policy Coordinator. His responsibilities include:

I – Promoting multilingualism at UFSC, in alignment with the University’s Internationalization Policy and SINTER’s strategic priorities;

II – Coordinating units, programs, projects, and actions related to language training and institutional translation under SINTER, particularly the Translation Service (ST), the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT), the Andifes IsF (Languages without Borders) Network, and the Confucius Classroom;

III – Identifying and fostering language training opportunities for the UFSC community, including faculty training for teaching in different languages;

IV –Representing UFSC and supporting SINTER in matters related to the University’s Language Policy, engaging with institutional, national, and international stakeholders, particularly through the UNESCO Chair on Language Policies for Multilingualism;

V – Disseminating information on language training opportunities to the UFSC community;

VI – Carrying out additional activities related to UFSC’s language policy, as requested by SINTER.

Other opportunities

In addition to the language courses promoted by the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT), by the Andifes ISF (Languages without Borders) Network, and by the Confucius Classroom, UFSC offers other language learning opportunities for the university community:

  • UFSC Extracurricular Language Courses – DLLE/CCE
  • GCUB Discount – Instituto Cervantes benefits (Free placement test, free virtual library booklet, 25% discount on all virtual courses, 25% discount on the DELE proficiency exam)*.
  • GCUB Discount –  15% discount voucher for the TOEFL iBT and TOEFL iBT Home Edition (the cost of the exam, including discount, is USD 187,00)*.

*The discounts offered by GCUB are announced monthly on SINTER website.

UFSC also hosts the UNESCO Chair on Language Policies for Multilingualism, which offers training opportunities on multilinguism for UFSC university community.

Language Policy Coordinator:

Prof. Gilvan Muller de Oliveira