COIL Experiences
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a modality of curriculum internationalization aimed at encouraging online international cooperative learning.
In fact, COIL proceeds as follows:
A faculty member from university A, in partnership with a faculty member from an international university B, develop an online teaching program for their students. So we have: two universities, two professors, two groups, possibly two languages, at least two cultures, and a course/module being jointly administered by professors from the two universities, with assignments to be developed in the virtual modality in a cooperative, intercultural and interdisciplinary way.
Sharing COIL Experiences:
We invite UFSC faculty who have already had a COIL experience in any of the courses to share with us how it was by filling out this form available on this page.
Indication of interest in offering COIL:
We invite UFSC faculty interested in developing courses in the COIL modality to indicate their interest by filling out this form.
Examples of COIL experiences:
- Arte e Saúde – Construindo um conceito de Saúde em um contexto de Aldeia Global [Art and Health – Building a Health concept in a Global Village context]
- Gestão de Pessoas: os desafios da equidade de gênero nas empresas [Personnel Management: the challenges of gender equity in companies]
- Nanotechnology and Environment: A Global learning experience