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Resolutions (translated into English)

Normative Resolution no. 37/CUn, of 5 November 2013 Regulates the International Double Degree Program for undergraduate programs at UFSC.
Normative Resolution no. 7/2020/CPG, of 19 October 2020 Provides for international co-supervision and double degree for graduate (master´s and doctoral) programs at UFSC.
Normative Resolution no. 173/2022/CUn, of 25 October 2022  Establishes the rules for conducting Postdoctoral Research at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Resolutions (in Portuguese)

Resolução n.º 007/CUn/1999, de 30 de março de 1999 Institutes and regulates academic exchange within the scope of undergraduate programs at UFSC.
Resolução Normativa n.º 50/Cun/2015, de 29 de maio de 2015 Creates the Programa Bolsa-Convênio Internacional in view of the establishment of international cooperation agreements with reciprocal financial contribution.
Resolução Normativa n.º 37/Cun/2013, de 5 de novembro de 2013 Regulates the Programa Internacional de Dupla Diplomação [International Double Degree Program] within the scope of UFSC undergraduate programs.
Resolução n.º 1/2013/SINTER, de 16 de julho de 2013 Establishes the rules for international cooperation agreements executed by UFSC.
Resolução Normativa nº 7/2020/CPG, de 19 de outubro de 2020 Provides for international co-supervision and double degree for graduate (master´s and doctoral) programs at UFSC.
Resolução n.º 17/CUn/97, de 30 de setembro de 1997 Regulates UFSC undergraduate programs.
Resolução nº96/2021/CGRAD, de 29 de setembro de 2021. Establishes the rules for implementation and procedures to use the course ZZD0047 – International Internship, for intership of enrolled international undergraduate students, complementing what is established in the articles 5  and 6 of the Normative Resolution 73/2016/CUn.
Resolução Normativa nº 173/2022/CUn, de 25 de outubro de 2022 Establishes the rules for conducting Postdoctoral Research at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Bylaws (in Portuguese)

Bylaws of SINTER Defines the structure and competences of the Office of International Relations (SINTER) at UFSC.
Bylaws of NILT Establishes the rules of organization, internal functioning, access and standards of conduct of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER).

Internal Guidelines (in Portuguese)

Ofício Conjunto nº 1/2025/PROPG-SINTER, de 17 de fevereiro de 2025. Provides guidance to graduate programs at UFSC on the procedures for enrolling international studens
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