Resolutions (translated into English)
Normative Resolution no. 37/CUn, of 5 November 2013 | Regulates the International Double Degree Program for undergraduate programs at UFSC. |
Normative Resolution no. 7/2020/CPG, of 19 October 2020 | Provides for international co-supervision and double degree for graduate (master´s and doctoral) programs at UFSC. |
Normative Resolution no. 173/2022/CUn, of 25 October 2022 | Establishes the rules for conducting Postdoctoral Research at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. |
Resolutions (in Portuguese)
Resolução n.º 007/CUn/1999, de 30 de março de 1999 | Institutes and regulates academic exchange within the scope of undergraduate programs at UFSC. |
Resolução Normativa n.º 50/Cun/2015, de 29 de maio de 2015 | Creates the Programa Bolsa-Convênio Internacional in view of the establishment of international cooperation agreements with reciprocal financial contribution. |
Resolução Normativa n.º 37/Cun/2013, de 5 de novembro de 2013 | Regulates the Programa Internacional de Dupla Diplomação [International Double Degree Program] within the scope of UFSC undergraduate programs. |
Resolução n.º 1/2013/SINTER, de 16 de julho de 2013 | Establishes the rules for international cooperation agreements executed by UFSC. |
Resolução Normativa nº 7/2020/CPG, de 19 de outubro de 2020 | Provides for international co-supervision and double degree for graduate (master´s and doctoral) programs at UFSC. |
Resolução n.º 17/CUn/97, de 30 de setembro de 1997 | Regulates UFSC undergraduate programs. |
Resolução nº96/2021/CGRAD, de 29 de setembro de 2021. | Establishes the rules for implementation and procedures to use the course ZZD0047 – International Internship, for intership of enrolled international undergraduate students, complementing what is established in the articles 5 and 6 of the Normative Resolution 73/2016/CUn. |
Resolução Normativa nº 173/2022/CUn, de 25 de outubro de 2022 | Establishes the rules for conducting Postdoctoral Research at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. |
Bylaws (in Portuguese)
Bylaws of SINTER | Defines the structure and competences of the Office of International Relations (SINTER) at UFSC. |
Bylaws of NILT | Establishes the rules of organization, internal functioning, access and standards of conduct of the Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER). |
Internal Guidelines (in Portuguese)
Ofício Conjunto nº 1/2025/PROPG-SINTER, de 17 de fevereiro de 2025. | Provides guidance to graduate programs at UFSC on the procedures for enrolling international studens |