Planos de Ensino em Inglês (Elaboração)
Para a elaboração de plano de ensino (syllabus) em inglês, sugerimos a utilização da nomenclatura abaixo:
Português | English |
Curso | Program |
Nome da disciplina | Course title |
Código da disciplina | Course code |
Número de créditos | Credit hours |
Carga horária total | Total class hours |
Requisitos | Requirements (Prerequisites) |
Nível | Level |
Responsável | Instructor |
Sala (de aula) | Room |
Sala (do/a professor/a) | Office |
Horário de atendimento | Office hours |
Ementa | Description |
Objetivos | Objectives |
Conteúdo Programático | Course Content |
Metodologia | Methods |
Avaliação | Evaluation |
Cronograma | Schedule |
Bibliografia | Bibliography |
Orientações para redação de ementas (course descriptions):
Indique, de maneira sucinta (até 500 caracteres), os tópicos que serão abordados na disciplina, conforme os exemplos abaixo.
Innovation Management
Innovation is the fundamental driver of competitiveness and plays a large part in improving quality of life. This module equips you with an understanding of the main issues in the management of innovation and an appreciation of the relevant skills needed to manage innovation at both strategic and operational levels.
(Business School – Imperial College London)
Mathematical Methods in the Sciences
Multivariate calculus: functions of two or three variables, approximating functions, partial differentiation, directional derivatives, multiple integration. Vectors: dot and cross products, parameterized curves, line and surface integrals. Vector calculus: gradient, divergence and curl, Green’s, divergence and Stokes’ theorems. Complex numbers.
(Faculty of Arts and Sciences – Harvard University)
Social Policy and Society
The course explores how welfare issues are constructed and debated in contemporary society. It revolves around three main themes: social needs, social problems and social rights, and how different debates about welfare have been influenced by these themes. It focuses on the implications of social change for debates about welfare, considering some of the major contemporary issues in social policy.
(School of Social and Political Science – University of Edinburgh)
Vehicle Dynamics and Control
The application of dynamics, kinematics, and control theory to the analysis and design of ground vehicle behavior. Simplified models of ride, handling, and braking, their role in developing intuition, and limitations in engineering design. Suspension design fundamentals. Performance and safety enhancement through automatic control systems. In-car laboratory assignments for model validation and kinesthetic understanding of dynamics.
(School of Engineering – Stanford University)
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