Conferencia de la Juventud Latinoamericana sobre Cambio Climatico (COY 11) – From 26 to 28/11/2015 – Auditório Guarapuvu, UFSC
The Conferencia de la Juventud Latinoamericana sobre Cambio Climatico (COY 11) will happen simultaneously to the 11 Youth Conference of Paris, from 26 to 28 de November 2015, at Auditório Guarapuvu of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).
With support of The Office of International Relations (SINTER), the openning statement of the event, on 26 November, will be pronunced by Mr. José Alberto Mujica Cordano (“Pepe Mujica”), Former president and senator of Uruguay.
The International Youth Climate Movement is the biggest Youth net involved with climatic changes questions. Young people, national organization and/or national organization and transnational nets lead knowledge and mobilization projects to inspire and inform younger people about climatic risks.
For more information and application access the website.