‘The World Academy of Science’ confere título de membro afiliado a professor da UFSC


À direita, Marcelo Farina.Marcelo Farina, professor and deputy secretary of the Office of International Relations, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), was nominated affiliated member of The World Academy of Science (TWAS), in a ceremony that happened in Vienna (Austria) on 20 November.

To the professor, the nomination represents a very important international recognition: “Sou de um país em desenvolvimento e, assim como vários colegas, conheço muito bem os inúmeros obstáculos relacionados a fazer pesquisa científica como professor universitário brasileiro. Apesar das dificuldades, seguimos em frente, pois sabemos que o conhecimento científico e tecnológico será crucial na tomada de decisões em situações críticas, como acidentes ambientais, epidemias, mudanças climáticas, etc. É uma pena que muitos, incluindo gestores do dinheiro público, não compreendam que apoiar a ciência é uma questão de sobrevivência

The TWAS is characterized for promoting research aimed at sustainable development, the reduction of global poverty, equality – issues that the teacher considers crucial: “Being part of this Academy encourages me to effective engagement in support of research and training of human resources with special focus on these objectives.”

In 2015, Marcelo also became an affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC). The ceremony took place at UFSC, on September 17. Check out the report here.

More information about the academic career Professor of the Department of Biochemistry at the School of  Biological Sciences (CCB) are available here.

About TWAS

TWAS is an entity dedicated to the advancement of science in developing countries. Its goal is to support sustainable development through research; promote excellence in scientific research in developing countries; employ scientific research in addressing global challenges.

The Academy was founded in 1983 by a group of scientists from developing countries, under the leadership of Abdus Salam, a Pakistani physicist who won the Nobel Prize. Today, TWAS has about 1,150 appointed members from over 90 countries; 16 of them are Nobel Prize winners. The Academy is headquartered in Trieste, Italy, at the International Center of Physical Theories Abdus Salam.

More information on TWAS website.