UFSC Secretary of International Relations participates in mission promoted by GCUB and OAS in Washington (USA)


FotorCreatedThe Secretary for Internacional Relations, Prof. Aguinaldo R. Pinto, participated in a mission to Washington (USA) promoted by Organization of American States (OAS) and by Grupo Coimbra de Universidades Brasileiras (GCUB),which UFSC is an associated member. GCUB is an association founded in 2008 and composed for 72 brazilian universities – federal, state, confessional and community. This mission counted with a high level of brazilian participation, with the presence of Rectors, Deans and International Relations Advisors of several brazilian universities.

During the days 14 and 15 March 2016 happened the 4º Seminário de Internacionalização Universitária,where pratices and strategies that can contribute for the developtment of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in Americas were discussed. Prestigious experts from several organizations of different countries were present and shared relevant and updated information with other participants of the event through round tables and lectures. The main themes of the seminary were in innovations in research in the health area , increased academic mobility at the undergraduate and graduate among the American countries , and the role of universities to achieve the ” 17 Sustainable Development Goals Proposed by the United Nations ” , which should be implemented by all countries by 2030 .

Between the 16 and 18 March happened the Workshop de Trabalho PAEC OEA-GCUB 2016, during which were discussed the Alliances Program for Education and Training (PAEC OEA-GCUB) and the role of OAS, GCUB, PAHO(Pan American Health Organization), and of participant universities, and also debated and approved the call of Program PAEC 2016. This program aims to create opportunities for students with nationality and / or residence in the OAS member states , with the exception of Brazil , undertake postgraduate studies in brazilian universities. GCUB and OAS promote the program , but brazilian universities are those that provide jobs and scholarships to students . There are currently more than 1,500 PAEC scholarships in Brazil. The selection of candidates is done in three steps: in the first step is to verify the documents consistency, this step is conducted by the OAS and GCUB , followed by the merit and admissibility review  by the target universities, the last step is conducted by the Advisory Committee on Evaluation, named by GCUB – OAS. According to the program website, “the goal of the initiative is to promote greater integration of Brazilian universities in the region, encouraging scientific and cultural exchange, improving international student mobility and supporting human development of outstanding individuals in the Americas”. UFSC has participated this program sice 2013, offering annually to candidates two scholarships for master and one for doctorate.

UFSC participation in the Program is in line with its international relations policy, since one of the main international goals is to provide solidarity to the people with whom we can contribute with scientific and technological innovation, and staff training. The presence of international students at UFSC also qualifies the academic environment and promotes the internationalization of Graduate Programs , subject highly valued by CAPES in their assessments