Open call for scholarships for Programa para el Fortalecimiento para la Función Pública en América Latina – applications until 16/06/2016


fundacion-botin1Fundación Botín published a public call for the VII Edition of Programa para el Fortalecimiento para la Función Pública en América Latina. The program is aimed to latin american university students with high potential and vocation to the public service and also to enhance the regional development by a net of highly trained public servers and compromised with the general interest. 

The application can be done until 16 July 2016 and the selected students list will be published on 19 July 2016. The program will start on 14 October 2016, at Fundación Botín Head Office (Madrid, Spain) and will finish on 30 November at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazil).

The scholarships cover enrollment costs, travel and housing of the selected candidates.

The candidates should apply at Fundación Botín website.

SINTER will provide the “Carta del Rector presentando la candidatura del alumno. Documento obligatorio para que el candidato resulte elegido.”. To receive this document, the student must deliver at SINTER, within the time limit, a letter from the course coordinator at UFSC, attesting that the student is between the 30% best students of the course.

For more details about the call, click here.

To apply, click here.