2019 AUGM Escala Docente Program – Preliminary Results


The Office of International Relations (SINTER) announces the preliminary result of the selection process for faculty mobility through the Escala Docente Program of the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM), according to the Call for Applications 12/SINTER/2018

Roberta Pires de Oliveira 1 UBA
Alex Rafacho 2 UNC
Ronice Muller de Quadros 3 USACH
Lucila Maria de Souza Campos 4 UNL
Alexandre Fernandez Vaz 5 UDELAR
Moises Ferber de Vieira Lessa 6 UDELAR
Jaison José Bassani 7 UNLP
 André Fiorussi 8  UNCUYO
 Fabio Luiz Burigo 9  UNCUYO
 Amurabi Pereira de Oliveira  10  UDELAR
Marcus Baptista Lopez Dalmau 11 UNC
Maria del Carmen Cortizo 12  UMRPSFXCH
Hellen Karine Stulzer 13
Adilson Luiz Pinto 14
Rafael Diego da Rosa 15
Rita de Cássia Romeiro Paulino 16

Applicants interested in claiming one of the remaining places shall contact SINTER at augm.sinter@contato.com.br until 13 November 2018, 11:59 am, informing the name of the host institution. We emphasize that places will be assigned according to the ranking order and the host institution chosen by the applicant. Places that are not filled may be distributed among the faculty members in the ranking list, following the ranking order and the number of places established in the Call.

Remaining places by institution:

Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP) 1
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) 1
Universidad Nacional del Rosario (UNR) 1
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT) 1

According to item 8.1. of the Call, applicants who wish to file an appeal may do so on 12 November until 11:59 pm. Appeals must be sent to augm.sinter@contato.ufsc.br. The subject of the email must be RECURSO ESCALA DOCENTE + APPLICANTS’S FIRST AND LAST NAMES (Ex.: RECURSO ESCALA DOCENTE MARIA SILVA). Appeals which do not follow these instructions or that are sent after the deadline will not be considered.