Director of SINTER participates in round table in the 28th Brazilian Congress of Graduate Students (CNPG)


The Director of International Relations at UFSC, Dr. Fernanda Leal, participated in the round table “Internacionalização da pós-graduação brasileira: a relevância dos acordos Sul-Sul” [Brazilian Graduate Internationalization: the relevance of South-South agreements], on 6 July, together with the ambassador Irene Vida Gala and the graduate student Eliza Feres. The table is part of the local stage of the 28th Brazilian Congress of Graduate Students (Congresso de Nacional de Pós-Graduandos – CNPG), promoted by the Brazilian Association of Graduate Students (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduandos – ANPG), which took place at the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF).

The participation of the Director of SINTER in the event endorses the concept of internationalization that UFSC seeks to deepen, which is: internationalization as an instrument of international solidarity and academic excellence, through multilateralism and multilingualism.