Professor Raumar Rodríguez Gímenez from the Universidad de La República visits UFSC


Raumar Rodríguez Gímenez, professor and researcher at Universidad de La República (Udelar), in Uruguay, is currently visiting UFSC through the Escala Docente Program from the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo [Association of Montevideo Group Universities] (AUGM). The professor, who graduated from the Doctoral Program in Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Sciences (PPGICH-CFH) a few years ago, came back to UFSC to hold a seminar entitled “Las ciencias humanas y el descubrimiento del inconsciente” [The Human Sciences and the discovery of the unconscious]. In addition, Professor Gímenez gave a lecture and has been developing several activities in collaboration with colleagues and graduate students on the development of their theses. Professor Alexandre Fernandez Vaz is his host at UFSC and, jointly, they have been discussing strategies to increase the collaboration between Udelar and UFSC, especially concerning research and teaching.

Click here to learn about the AUGM academic mobility programs.