SINTEGRA project holds an integration meeting for PEC-G students


The SINTEGRA project, a partnership between the Office of International Relations (SINTER) and the Department of Psychology/UFSC, held a meeting on 5 October 2022, at the School of Socio-Economic Sciences (CSE) Auditorium, to integrate PEC-G students into the academic environment in Florianopolis. The action is part of the outreach project “Trajetórias estudantis internacionais: Acolhimento e integração no Programa Estudantes Convênio-Graduação (PEC-G)” [International student paths: support and integration in the PEC-G program].

The event was opened with a performance by the PEC-G student Edgar Rafael Leija Garcia, who presented songs in Spanish and Portuguese. The meeting also included a presentation of the UFSC units and projects that receive student demands. The coordinator of the Psychological Care Service (SAPSI), Prof. Chrissie Ferreira de Carvalho, presented the psychological support activities offered to students.

The possibilities of Pedagogical Support and Guidance promoted by the Institutional Program for Educational Support to Students (PIAPE/PROGRAD) were addressed by Janaína Santos. Prof. Elka Lima Hostensky and the Psychology student Jackeline Vieira Caixeta contextualized the actions of the SINTEGRA project, inviting students to the support meetings that take place on Wednesdays, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at SAPSI/CFH. For further information, interested students can contact them through the email:

At the end of the meeting, Elisa Schemes, who administrates the PEC-G Program at SINTER, resumed important aspects of the program, reinforcing the purpose of the meeting: to present and provide students with the services offered at UFSC in order to address academic, psychological, and integration difficulties. Sixteen PEC-G students were present.

For further information on student support, check out the SAPSI and PIAPE websites.