FAQ – Partner institutions



1) Can I nominate students by e-mail?
No. We only accept nominations through our online application system, within the set period for students’ nominations.  Nominations by e-mail, post, fax or other means will be discarded. Check our application calendar here.

2) Does UFSC accept free movers?
No. Only students that are nominated by partner universities can be admitted at UFSC.

3) When is the application period for the exchange program?
Check the application period at our website in Application Calendar: https://sinter.ufsc.br/calendario-de-inscricoes/. There are two nomination periods each year: between October and November for students who wish to start their exchange in March of the following year; and between April and May for students who wish to start their exchange in August.

4) How do I know when the application period is open? 
Check our website or contact us at incoming.sinter@ufsc.br. All partner institutions are informed about the opening of the application period by e-mail, one month in advance.

You can also access the application calendar here.

5) I do not have a username and password to nominate students.
If you are a partner institution and have nominated students in previous semesters, click on the “forgot password” button. If you are a partner institution and have never received a username and password, send us an email at incoming.sinter@contato.ufsc.br.

6) The person that was in charge of the nominations is no longer working in my institution. How can I obtain a new username and password?
Send us an email at incoming.sinter@contato.ufsc.br to request a new username and password.

7) How many students can I nominate?
You are allowed to nominate up to the number of students agreed upon in the Addendum of the cooperation agreement. If no number is set in the document, you will be allowed to nominate up to 5 students per semester.