German courses offered by the “Idiomas sem Fronteiras” Program


Resultado de imagem para idiomas sem fronteirasApplications for the German courses offered by the Idiomas sem Fronteiras [Languages without Borders] Program are open and available for students and staff. The courses are free of cost and the levels offered are beginner (A1.1 and A1.2) and elementary (A2.1),

Applications are open from 18 to 27 September (until midday, according to Brasilia time).

Please pay attention to the levels prerequisites:

  • Level A1.1: previous knowledge of the language is not required and those who never took German courses in the IsF Program may only register for level A1.1;
  • Levels A1.2 and A2.1:only for those who already took German courses in the IsF Program, being necessary to present the certificate of completion of the course.

Those who are selected  for the courses shall attend a face-to-face meeting which will take place in the beginning of the course as well as participate in the tutoring sessions.

For further information, access the Public Call.