Second Webinar on the SciVal (Elsevier) Platform


The Office of International Relations (SINTER), the Prorectorate for Research and Innovation (PROPESQ) and the Prorectorate for Graduate Studies (PROPG) will promote a second online meeting to answer questions about the trial period of the SciVal (Elsevier) Platform, aimed at UFSC staff members, with the attendance of a representative of Elsevier. The webinar will take place on 24 October, at 1 p.m., via the Zoom platform. Click here to register.

The free 30-day trial access to the platform has been available to the entire UFSC university community since 3 October 2022. The aim is to evaluate the relevance of obtaining access to the Elsevier’s SciVal database and its application to the university. Sci-Val is a modular platform that presents a series of research metrics based on data from the SCOPUS database. Hiring Elsevier’s services will depend on the positive evaluation from the university community. Thus, the participation of everyone is essential to guide the decision.

Learn more about the platform here.