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Visit from Holly Cowman, Director of International Engagement at the Mary Immaculate College @ UFSC
Jul 25 @ 10:00 – 11:00

On 25 July, the Director of International Relations, Fernanda Leal, and the International Agreements Coordinator, Amanda Drehmer, received a visit from Holly Cowman, Director of International Engagement at the Mary Immaculate College (MIC), Ireland. The purpose of the visit was to discuss possibilities for cooperation between UFSC and MIC, especially in the areas of education/teaching and linguistics, including activities to be developed jointly with the Institutional Center for Languages ​​and Translation (NILT/SINTER) and participation in Erasmus projects. The next step to begin the cooperation will be the execution of an international agreement between the institutions, which will enable the implementation of joint actions.

Visit from Frederico Chagas and Hércules Kuster, representatives of the Québec Office in São Paulo
Aug 5 @ 10:00 – 11:30

On 5 August, the Director of International Relations, Fernanda Leal, received a visit from Frederico Chagas and Hércules Kuster, representatives of the Québec Office in São Paulo. The aim was to discuss possibilities for cooperation between UFSC, higher education institutions and the Quebec industry. The meeting was also attended by Prof. Telles Lazzatin from the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering, Prof. Philippe Jean Paul Gleize from the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering and Prof. Amir Antonio Martins de Oliveira from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Visit from María Eugenia Barroso, representative of Globethics
Aug 18 @ 10:00 – 11:00

On 18 August 2022, at 10 p.m., SINTER received a visit from María Eugenia Barroso, representative of Globethics, in the position of South America Regional Programme Executive.

Visit from Professors, coordinated by Professor Sebastião Soares (CTC)
Aug 23 @ 10:00 – Aug 24 @ 11:00

On 23 and 24 August, SINTER received a visit from Professors Raquel Veladas (ISCTE, Portugal), Marianne Dalbro (U. Gothenburg, Sweden), and Ullika Lundigren (U. Gothenvurg, Sweden), coordinated by Professor Sebastião Soares, School of Technology (CTC).

Office of International Relations carries out institutional visits to Florianopolis organizations
Sep 5 @ 14:00 – 15:00

On 5 September, the Secretary for International Relations, Prof. Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado Filho, and the Director of International Relations, Dr. Fernanda Leal, carried out a visit to the president of the Santa Catarina State Foundation for the Support of Research and Innovation (Fapesc), Fábio Zabot Thausen. On the occasion, they discussed partnership opportunities between UFSC and Fapesc, in the internationalization area.

Professor Raumar Rodríguez Gímenez from the Universidad de La República visits UFSC
Sep 8 @ 10:30 – 11:30

Raumar Rodríguez Gímenez, professor and researcher at Universidad de La República (Udelar), in Uruguay, is currently visiting UFSC through the Escala Docente Program from the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo [Association of Montevideo Group Universities] (AUGM).

Secretary for International Relations at UFSC visits Univesitat Oberta de Catalunya
Sep 13 @ 13:30 – Sep 16 @ 14:30

The Secretary for International Relations at UFSC, Prof. Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado Filho, visited UOC to participate in the 32nd European Association for International Education (EAIE).

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