Preliminary Result – UFSC-UHK Scholarship Program


The Office for International Relations (SINTER) announces the list of students selected for the second phase of  the Public Call no. 03/SINTER/2017, which offers scholarships for a semester of study in the University of Hradec Králove, Czech Republic. According to item 8.4 of the call, candidates approved in the first phase are called to the second phase, consisting of an interview conducted in English.


ELAP (Canada) Scholarship 2017



Promoted by the Government of Canada, the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) offers scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students (at master’s and doctoral levels) from Latin America and the Caribbean to go on exchange in universities in Canada.

Applications: 25 April 2017 is the deadline for Canadian universities to submit the applications of Brazilian students to the Government of Canada. Therefore, SINTER will obey the deadlines stipulated by the Canadian institutions. In this sense, it is up to the interested student to observe what is fixed by his or her destination institution.

Period of exchange: The student or researcher’s studies must start between 1 June 2017 and 1 February 2018.


UFSC welcomes 154 international students in the 2017 first semester


The reception of international students coming to study at UFSC in the first semester of 2017 will be held on 3 March (Friday), at 10 am, in the Rectorate Building’s Auditorium. The University will receive 154 exchange students from 20 different countries, through the Incoming, Bracol, Bramex, AUGM and Leiden programs. The Incoming program hosts students from partner institutions that have bilateral agreements with UFSC, without receiving scholarships or grants. The others are programs in which UFSC participates by receiving and sending undergraduate students abroad, and these include financial assistance. The event will be attended by the Rector Luiz Carlos Cancellier de Oliveira, the Vice-Rector, Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann, the Secretary for International Relations, Lincoln Fernandes, and the International Programs Coordinator, Elenir Vieira.

International Students