2019.1 AUGM Escala Estudiantes de Grado Program – First Stage Results
The Office of International Relations (SINTER) announces the results of the first stage of the selection process for the 2019.1 Escala Estudiantes de Grado Program of the Asociácion de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM) according to the Call for Applications no. 13/2018/SINTER of 14 September 2018.
The following students had their applications approved for the second stage:
Bianca Tribéss
Carolina Maingué Pires
Clara Calazans Espindola
Danniel Garcia Barbosa de Figueiredo
Elisa Sobral Marques
Gilian Oliveira Fiorin
José Eduardo Niles
Jose Ricardo do Nascimento Lopes Junior
Luana Bottcher Sbeghen
Luísa Nunes Estácio
Marco Aurelio Schmitt da Silva
Marcus Vinicius dos Santos
Samuel Girardi
Taisa Pereira Salgueiro
Tamara Camila Freitag
Wanda Natacha Polverini Guedes
Interviews will take place between 22 and 26 October 2018 during the afternoon. Selected applicants will be contacted through email or telephone with their interview date and time.
Applicants who wish to file an appeal may do so until 18 October, 23:59. The appeal must be submitted in PDF format and sent to augm.sinter@contato.ufsc.br
The email must have as subject RECURSO + APPLICANT FIRST AND LAST NAMES (i.e RECURSO ANA SILVA). Appeals which are not submitted according to these instructions will not be considered.