Joint action by SINTER and the Rector’s Office reduces bureaucracy in the execution of international agreements


With a view to achieving two of the priorities established by the current international relations managers at UFSC (2022-2026) – “Democratization of international opportunities” and “Improvement of SINTER’s work processes” – the Rector’s Office (GR) has delegated, through the Ordinance No. 1030/2023/GR, the powers to sign cooperation agreements between UFSC and international teaching and research institutions to the Secretary for International Relations. With this action, the time for executing and renewing international agreements will be reduced.

The institutionalization of international cooperation through the establishment of agreements is of interest to UFSC as it enables and democratizes international opportunities for the entire university community. As the vast majority of the signed agreements are broad in scope, their existence makes it possible, for example, for undergraduate students from all subject areas at UFSC to undertake international mobility at partner institutions through the Outgoing program.

Learn more:

– Procedures for entering into international agreements
– International agreement proposal request form
– International partner institutions

If you have any questions, please contact our International Agreements Coordinator at