National Migrant Registration (RNM)


Immigrant Support

This page is dedicated to foreign students, professors and researchers at UFSC who need to register, renew or change their National Migrant Registration (RNM).

SINTER has an immigrant support service that assists foreign visitors with the migrant registration and renewal processes. We stress that we only provide assistance. The immigrants are fully responsible for arranging their documents and attending an appointment at the Federal Police Office.

To use this service, please check the list of required documents below, according to the type of visa, and send an e-mail to Make sure you inform your full name in the “subject” field and attach each file separately in Portable Document Format (.pdf), with the description of the document in the file title (e.g. Passport.pdf).

Students and researchers who have just arrived in Brazil with a specific visa: Student Visa VITEM IV or Research Visa VITEM I.

Students who already have a Residence Permit for study purposes and wish to renew it.

Students and researchers coming from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru or Uruguay wishing to apply for a Residence Permit based on the Mercosur agreement.

Students and researchers who already have a Residence Permit based on the Mercosur agreement and wish to renew it.

Students who arrived in Brazil with a visit visa and wish to apply for a Residence Permit for study purposes.

International faculty members carrying out work activities at UFSC, whether paid or voluntary.

Important Information:

A visa is the document required for an immigrant to enter Brazil. You may apply for a visa at the Brazilian Consulate located in your home country. See the list of Brazilian consulates on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Consular Portal.

The residence permit is granted to students, professors or researchers who come to UFSC holding a temporary visa to carry out activities for a period longer than 90 days.

Once they get a residence permit, the immigrant is registered (the registration consists of the civil identification by biographical and biometric data) and receives a National Migration Registration (RNM) number and a National Migration Registration Card (CRNM).

The CRNM expiration date varies according to the type of residence permit granted. If an immigrant will continue their activities at UFSC after the expiration date, they must apply for renewal of the National Migration Registration (RNM) and, consequently, for a new CRNM.

Being in Brazil in an irregular condition, without a Residence Permit and a RNM number or holding an expired RNM number, incurs the sanctions provided for in article 307 of the Decree no. 9199/2017.

Information for students/researchers arriving in Brazil 

Immigrants who come to UFSC as undergraduate or graduate exchange or degree-seeking students, holding a temporary student or research visa, must apply for a residence permit for study purposes and  register at the Federal Police Office within 90 days of arrival in Brazil. The official list of documents required by the Federal Police is available here:

Below we provide a guide containing the list of required documents and a brief explanation about what is being requested. This page should be used as guidance only. You should always refer to the official information provided on the Federal Police website (link above).


Document Details
Requerimento próprio, por meio de formulário eletrônico devidamente preenchido no site da PF; Fill in an electronic request form, available on the Federal Police (PF) website.
1(uma) foto 3×4, recente, colorida, fundo branco, papel liso, de frente; Prepare a recent front face photo, size: 3 cm x 4 cm, in color, with white background, and printed on plain paper. In case the PF’s biometric data collection system is unavailable, a photo might be required.
Declaração de endereço eletrônico e demais meios de contato; Inform your electronic email address and other means of contact by filling in this statement.
Documento de viagem válido ou outro documento que comprove a identidade e a nacionalidade, nos termos dos tratados de que o País seja parte; Provide a copy of your passport, including:

  • Identification page;
  • Page showing the Brazilian visa;
  • Page showing the entry stamps to Brazil.
Formulário original do visto; Show your Visa Application Form, which should include your parents’ names. If you don’t have an application form, you should present your birth certificate or marriage certificate issued abroad, observing the Brazilian legalization and translation rules.
Comprovante de pagamento das taxas de emissão de CRNM (código de receita 140120, valor R$204,77), quando aplicáveis; Show proof of payment of the CRNM issuance fee (R$204.77), when applicable.

Click here to make the payment. You will generate the following bill, called Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU).

  1. CRNM issuance fee:

Código Receita STN – 140120

Valor Total – R$204.77

In case you do not have the financial means to pay the fees, you may present a statement of economic insufficiency, which will be reviewed by the competent authority. If you make a false statement, you will be subject to the payment of a corresponding fee or fine and to the applicable administrative, civil and criminal sanctions.

Comprovante de endereço (água, luz, telefone) caso recibo estiver em nome de terceiros, apresentar também a declaração do titular firmada em cartório. Show proof of residence (water, electricity, or telephone bill). If the bill is not on your name, you should include a letter from the bill owner or the property owner confirming your residence.

Source: Polícia Federal | Accessed on: 26 September 2022.

Attention: The information presented here may be changed by the Federal Police at any time. Check the list directly from the Federal Police website for updated information (link above).

Information for students – Obtaining the RNM

Immigrants who come to UFSC as undergraduate or graduate exchange or degree-seeking students, holding a temporary student visa, must apply for a residence permit for study purposes and migrant registration at the Federal Police Office within 90 days of arrival in Brazil. The official list of documents required by the Federal Police is available here:

Below we provide a guide containing the list of required documents and a brief explanation about what is being requested. This page should be used as guidance only. You should always refer to the official information provided on the Federal Police website (link above).


Document Details
Requerimento próprio, por meio de formulário eletrônico devidamente preenchido no site da PF; Fill in an electronic request form, available on the Federal Police (PF) website.
1(uma) foto 3×4, recente, colorida, fundo branco, papel liso, de frente; Prepare a recent front face photo, size: 3 cm x 4 cm, in color, with white background, and printed on plain paper. In case the PF’s biometric data collection system is unavailable, a photo might be required.
Declaração de endereço eletrônico e demais meios de contato, preferencialmente acompanhada de cópia simples de comprovante de residência; Inform your electronic email address and other means of contact by filling in this statement, preferably accompanied by a copy of your proof of residence.
Documento de viagem ou documento oficial de identidade, nos termos dos tratados de que o País seja parte; Provide a copy of your passport, including:

  • Identification page;
  • Page showing the Brazilian visa;
  • Page showing the entry stamps to Brazil.
Certidão de nascimento ou casamento ou certidão consular, quando o documento de viagem ou documento oficial de identidade não trouxer dados sobre filiação; If your Passport or official ID document does not show your parents’ names, you can present your Visa Application Form, which should contain such information.

In case you don’t have a visa application form, you shall present your birth certificate or marriage certificate issued abroad, observing the Brazilian legalization and translation rules.

Certidões de antecedentes criminais ou documento equivalente emitido pela autoridade judicial competente de onde tenha residido nos últimos cinco anos; Provide criminal record certificates (or equivalent document) issued by the relevant legal authority from the country where you have resided in the last five years.

If you have not resided in Brazil in the last 5 years, your foreign documents must observe the Brazilian legalization and translation rules.

If you have resided in Brazil in the last five years, click here to obtain the certificates, according to your place of residence.

Declaração, sob as penas da lei, de ausência de antecedentes criminais em qualquer país, nos últimos cinco anos; Fill in a statement, under penalty of perjury, of no criminal record in any country for the last five years.
Documentação que comprove capacidade financeira própria ou dos responsáveis pela manutenção do interessado no Brasil durante o período que pretenda permanecer no país, ou comprovação de que foi contemplado com bolsa de estudos, quando cabível; Show proof of financial capacity (your own or your parents/guardians’) for the period you intend to stay in Brazil, or proof that you were granted a scholarship, when applicable.

If you hold a scholarship, provide a statement containing the term and amount of the scholarship. If you do not hold a scholarship, see the documents you may provide as proof of financial capacity in the frequently asked questions section on the PF website.

Documentação que comprove a matrícula no curso pretendido, em caso de autorização de residência para frequência em curso regular; Show proof of enrollment in the chosen program, in case of degree-seeking students. The documents you should present are the Transcript of Records and the Certificate of Enrollment from UFSC.
Documentação que comprove que o interessado frequenta curso de graduação em universidade estrangeira, em caso de autorização de residência para estágio ou para intercâmbio de estudo ou de pesquisa; Show proof of enrollment at a foreign university, in case of exchange students or interns. The documents you should present are the Transcript of Records and the Certificate of Enrollment from UFSC.
Declaração de que não está vinculado a pesquisa e/ou ensino e/ou extensão acadêmica; Fill in a statement informing that you do not participate in academic research and/or teaching and/or outreach as an employee.
Comprovante de pagamento das taxas de autorização de residência (código de receita 140066, valor R$168,13) e de emissão de CRNM (código de receita 140120, valor R$204,77), quando aplicáveis. Show proof of payment of the residence permit fee (R$168.13) and the CRNM issuance fee (R$204.77), when applicable.

Click here to enter your data and make the payment. You will generate two bills, called Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU).

1. Residence permit fee:

Código Receita STN – 140066

Valor Total – R$168.13

2. CRNM issuance fee:

Código Receita STN – 140120

Valor Total – R$204.77


In case you do not have the financial means to pay the fees, you may present a statement of economic insufficiency, which will be reviewed by the competent authority. If you make a false statement, you will be subject to the payment of a corresponding fee or fine and to the applicable administrative, civil and criminal sanctions.

Source: Polícia Federal | accessed on: 15 March 2022.

Attention: The information presented here may be changed by the Federal Police at any time. Check the list directly from the Federal Police website for updated information (link above).


Information for students – Renewing the RNM

A student’s CRNM card is valid for 12 months, but it can be renewed. Application for renewal is made at the Federal Police Office. The official list of documents required by the Federal Police is available here:

Below we provide a guide containing the list of required documents and a brief explanation about what is being requested. This page should be used as guidance only. You should always refer to the official information provided on the Federal Police website (link above).


Document Details
Requerimento próprio, por meio de formulário eletrônico devidamente preenchido no site da PF; Fill in an electronic request form, available on the Federal Police (PF) website.
1(uma) foto 3×4, recente, colorida, fundo branco, papel liso, de frente; Prepare a recent front face photo, size: 3 cm x 4 cm, in color, with white background, and printed on plain paper. In case the PF’s biometric data collection system is unavailable, a photo might be required.
Declaração de endereço eletrônico e demais meios de contato, preferencialmente acompanhada de cópia simples de comprovante de residência; Inform your electronic email address and other means of contact by filling in this statement, preferably accompanied by a copy of your proof of residence.
Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório (CRNM); Show your RNM card (CRNM), a RNM certificate or a RNM request confirmation.
Documento de viagem ou documento oficial de identidade, nos termos dos tratados de que o País seja parte; This is a requirement by the Superintendent of the Federal Police in Santa Catarina. You should provide a copy of your passport, including:

  • Identification page;
  • Page showing the Brazilian visa;
  • Page showing the entry stamps to Brazil.
Declaração, sob as penas da lei, de ausência de antecedentes criminais no último ano; Fill in a statement, under penalty of perjury, of no criminal record in Brazil or abroad in the last year.
Certidão atualizada de antecedentes criminais do Brasil; You must provide two criminal record certificates issued in Brazil.

1)       Federal certificate:

  • Go to the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region website;
  • Enter your CPF number;
  • Select the certificate type: Certidão Judicial Criminal;
  • Complete the reCAPTCHA verification: “I am not a robot”;
  • Click on “Gerar Certidão Negativa”;
  • You will view your personal data. Then click on “Visualizar Cetidão Gerada” to download the certificate in .pdf format.


2)       State certificate:

  • Go to the Santa Catarina State Judicial Branch website;
  • Select the certificate type (modelo): Criminal (primeiro grau);
  • In Município de Residência, choose the city where you have resided in the last year;
  • In Nome, enter your full name (the same as on your PF request form);
  • In Tipo de Pessoa, choose: física (natural person);
  • Enter your CPF number and check the box “Declaro não conhecer meu RG” (I declare I don’t know my Brazilian ID number);
  • Enter your mother’s name (the same as on your PF request form);
  • Enter your father’s name (the same as on your PF request form);
  • Enter your date of birth;
  • Enter your e-mail;
  • Enter your phone number;
  • In Finalidade da Certidão, type in “Regularização de registro migratório no Brasil” (Regularization of migrant registration in Brazil);
  • In Captcha, enter the characters as shown in the image;
  • Click on enviar (send);
  •  You will receive an automatic message from confirming your request was successfully registered and will be processed in 5 days. You will be informed of your request number;
  • You will receive another message from the same email address informing your certificate has been issued. A link to your certificate will be provided. By clicking on the link, you will be redirected to a webpage with your request number;
  • Enter your CPF number, complete the Captcha verification, and click on enviar (send) to download the certificate in .pdf format.
Documentação que comprove a matrícula no curso pretendido, em caso de autorização de residência para frequência em curso regular;  Certificate of Enrollment from UFSC (the student can issue the document from CAGR).
Comprovação de aproveitamento escolar; Transcript of Records from UFSC (the student can issue the document from CAGR).
Comprovação de meios de subsistência; If you hold a scholarship, provide a statement containing the term and amount of the scholarship. If you do not hold a scholarship, see the documents you may provide as proof.

(PEC-G students holding a Merit Scholarship or PROMISAES financial support may request for a statement at SINTER.

Declaração de que não está vinculado a pesquisa e/ou ensino e/ou extensão acadêmica; Fill in a statement informing that you do not participate in academic research and/or teaching and/or outreach as an employee.
Comprovante de pagamento da taxa de emissão de CRNM (código de receita 140120, valor R$204,77), quando aplicável. Show proof of payment of the CRNM issuance fee (R$204.77), when applicable.

Click here to make the payment. You will generate the following bill, called Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU).

1.       CRNM issuance fee:

Código Receita STN – 140120

Valor Total – R$204.77


In case you do not have the financial means to pay the fees, you may present a statement of economic insufficiency, which will be reviewed by the competent authority. If you make a false statement, you will be subject to the payment of a corresponding fee or fine and to the applicable administrative, civil and criminal sanctions.

Source: Polícia Federal | Accessed on: 15 March 2022.

Attention: The information presented here may be changed by the Federal Police at any time. Check the list directly from the Federal Police website for updated information (link above).


Information for Mercosur immigrants – Obtaining the RNM

Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay

Immigrants from MERCOSUR countries who come to UFSC as exchange students, undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking students, or researchers, must apply for a residence permit through the MERCOSUR agreement and register at the Federal Police Office within 90 days of arrival in Brazil. The official list of documents required by the Federal Police is available here:

Below we provide a guide containing the list of required documents and a brief explanation about what is being requested. This page should be used as guidance only. You should always refer to the official information provided on the Federal Police website (link above).


Document Details
Requerimento próprio, por meio de formulário eletrônico devidamente preenchido no site da PF; Fill in an electronic request form, available  on the Federal Police (PF) website.
1(uma) foto 3×4, recente, colorida, fundo branco, papel liso, de frente; Prepare a recent front face photo, size: 3 cm x 4 cm, in color, with white background, and printed on plain paper. In case the PF’s biometric data collection system is unavailable, a photo might be required.
Declaração de endereço eletrônico e demais meios de contato, preferencialmente acompanhada de cópia simples de comprovante de residência; Inform your electronic email address and other means of contact by filling in this statement, preferably accompanied by a copy of your proof of residence.
Passaporte válido e vigente ou carteira de identidade ou certidão de nacionalidade expedida pelo agente consular do país de origem, credenciado no país de recepção, de modo que reste provada a identidade e a nacionalidade do peticionante; Provide a copy of your passport, including:

  • Identification page;
  • Page showing the Brazilian visa;
  • Page showing the entry stamps to Brazil.
Certidão de nascimento e comprovação de estado civil da pessoa e certificado de nacionalização ou naturalização, quando for o caso; Show your birth certificate and proof of marital status as well as certificate of nationalization or naturalization, when applicable.


Documents issued abroad should observe the Brazilian legalization and translation rules

Declaração, sob as penas da lei, de ausência de antecedentes internacionais penais ou policiais (dispensada para menores de 18 anos); Fill in a statement, under penalty of perjury, of no criminal or police record in any country (if you are over 18 years old).
Certificado de antecedentes judiciais e/ou penais e/ou policiais do peticionante no país de recepção (dispensado para menores de 18 anos); You must provide two criminal record certificates issued in Brazil (if you are over 18 years old).

1)       Federal certificate:

  • Go to the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region website;
  • Enter your CPF number;
  • Select the certificate type: Certidão Judicial Criminal;
  • Complete the reCAPTCHA verification: “I am not a robot”;
  • Click on “Gerar Certidão Negativa”;
  • You will view your personal data. Then click on “Visualizar Cetidão Gerada” to download the certificate in .pdf format.

2)       State certificate:

  • Go to the Santa Catarina State Judicial Branch website;
  • Select the certificate type (modelo): Criminal (primeiro grau);
  • In Município de Residência, choose the city where you have resided in the last year;
  • In Nome, enter your full name (the same as on your PF request form);
  • In Tipo de Pessoa, choose: física (natural person);
  • Enter your CPF number and check the box “Declaro não conhecer meu RG” (I declare I don’t know my Brazilian ID number);
  • Enter your mother’s name (the same as on your PF request form);
  • Enter your father’s name (the same as on your PF request form);
  • Enter your date of birth;
  • Enter your e-mail;
  • Enter your phone number;
  • In Finalidade da Certidão, type in “Regularização de registro migratório no Brasil” (Regularization of migrant registration in Brazil);
  • In Captcha, enter the characters as shown in the image;
  • Click on enviar (send);
  •  You will receive an automatic message from confirming your request was successfully registered and will be processed in 5 days. You will be informed of your request number;
  • You will receive another message from the same email address informing your certificate has been issued. A link to your certificate will be provided. By clicking on the link, you will be redirected to a webpage with your request number;
  • Enter your CPF number, complete the Captcha verification, and click on enviar (send) to download the certificate in .pdf format.
Documentação que comprove a matrícula no curso pretendido, em caso de autorização de residência para frequência em curso regular; Show proof of enrollment in the chosen program, in case of degree-seeking students. The document you should present is the Certificate of Enrollment from UFSC.

Even though this item is not listed on the PF’s website, it is required by the Superintendent of the Federal Police in Santa Catarina.

Comprovante de pagamento das taxas de autorização de residência (código de receita 140066, valor R$168,13) e de emissão de CRNM (código de receita 140120, valor R$204,77), quando aplicáveis. Show proof of payment of the residence permit fee (R$168.13) and the CRNM issuance fee (R$204.77), when applicable.


Click here to enter your data and make the payment. You will generate two bills, called Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU).


  1. Residence permit fee:

Código Receita STN – 140066

Valor Total – R$168.13


  1. CRNM issuance fee:

Código Receita STN – 140120

Valor Total – R$204.77


In case you do not have the financial means to pay the fees, you may present a statement of economic insufficiency, which will be reviewed by the competent authority. If you make a false statement, you will be subject to the payment of a corresponding fee or fine and to the applicable administrative, civil and criminal sanctions.

Source: Polícia Federal | | Accessed on: 15 March 2022.

Attention: The information presented here may be changed by the Federal Police at any time. Check the list directly from the Federal Police website for updated information (link above).

Information for Mercosur immigrants – Changing from temporary to permanent residence

Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay

The temporary residence permit for immigrants coming from MERCOSUR countries is valid for up to 24 months. The MERCOSUR immigrant may change their status from temporary to permanent resident. The service is provided by the Federal Police, and the official list of documents required is available here:

Below we provide a guide containing the list of required documents and a brief explanation about what is being requested. This page should be used as guidance only. You should always refer to the official information provided on the Federal Police website (link above).


Document Details
Requerimento próprio, por meio de formulário eletrônico devidamente preenchido no site da PF; Fill in an electronic request form, available on the Federal Police (PF) website.
1(uma) foto 3×4, recente, colorida, fundo branco, papel liso, de frente; Prepare a recent front face photo, size: 3 cm x 4 cm, in color, with white background, and printed on plain paper. In case the PF’s biometric data collection system is unavailable, a photo might be required.
Declaração de endereço eletrônico e demais meios de contato, preferencialmente acompanhada de cópia simples de comprovante de residência; Inform your electronic email address and other means of contact by filling in this statement, preferably accompanied by a copy of your proof of residence.
Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório (CRNM) ou certidão de residência temporária obtida em conformidade com os termos do Acordo; Show your RNM card (CRNM), a RNM certificate or a RNM request confirmation or, even, a temporary residence certificate obtained according to the terms of the Agreement.
Passaporte válido e vigente ou carteira de identidade ou certidão de nacionalidade expedida pelo agente consular do país de origem, credenciado no país de recepção, de modo que reste provada a identidade e a nacionalidade do peticionante; Provide a copy of your passport, including:

  • Identification page;
  • Page showing the Brazilian visa;
  • Page showing the entry stamps to Brazil.


Show your national ID card.

Certificado de antecedentes judiciais e/ou penais e/ou policiais do peticionante no país de recepção (dispensado para menores de 18 anos); You must provide two criminal record certificates issued in Brazil (if you are over 18 years old).

1)       Federal certificate:

  • Go to the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region website;
  • Enter your CPF number;
  • Select the certificate type: Certidão Judicial Criminal;
  • Complete the reCAPTCHA verification: “I am not a robot”;
  • Click on “Gerar Certidão Negativa”;
  • You will view your personal data. Then click on “Visualizar Cetidão Gerada” to download the certificate in .pdf format.

2)       State certificate:

  • Go to the Santa Catarina State Judicial Branch website;
  • Select the certificate type (modelo): Criminal (primeiro grau);
  • In Município de Residência, choose the city where you have resided in the last year;
  • In Nome, enter your full name (the same as on your PF request form);
  • In Tipo de Pessoa, choose: física (natural person);
  • Enter your CPF number and check the box “Declaro não conhecer meu RG” (I declare I don’t know my Brazilian ID number);
  • Enter your mother’s name (the same as on your PF request form);
  • Enter your father’s name (the same as on your PF request form);
  • Enter your date of birth;
  • Enter your e-mail;
  • Enter your phone number;
  • In Finalidade da Certidão, type in “Regularização de registro migratório no Brasil” (Regularization of migrant registration in Brazil);
  • In Captcha, enter the characters as shown in the image;
  • Click on enviar (send);
  •  You will receive an automatic message from confirming your request was successfully registered and will be processed in 5 days. You will be informed of your request number;
  • You will receive another message from the same email address informing your certificate has been issued. A link to your certificate will be provided. By clicking on the link, you will be redirected to a webpage with your request number;
  • Enter your CPF number, complete the Captcha verification, and click on enviar (send) to download the certificate in .pdf format.
Declaração, sob as penas da lei, de ausência de antecedentes internacionais penais ou policiais (dispensada para menores de 18 anos); Fill in a statement, under penalty of perjury, of no criminal or police record in any country (if you are older than 18 years old).
Documentação que comprove a matrícula e frequência no curso pretendido. Show proof of enrollment and attendance in the chosen program. The documents you should present are the Transcript of Records and the Certificate of Enrollment from UFSC.

Even though this document is not listed on the PF’s website, it is required by the Superintendent of the Federal Police in Santa Catarina.

Comprovação de meios de vida lícitos que permitam a subsistência do requerente e de seu grupo familiar de convívio Show proof of lawful means of subsistence (for yourself and your close family group).


If you hold a scholarship, provide a statement containing the term and amount of the scholarship. If you do not hold a scholarship, see the documents you may provide here.

Comprovante de pagamento das taxas de autorização de residência (código de receita 140066, valor R$168,13) e de emissão de CRNM (código de receita 140120, valor R$204,77), quando aplicáveis. Show proof of payment of the residence permit fee (R$168.13) and the CRNM issuance fee (R$204.77), when applicable.

Click here to enter your data and make the payment. You will generate two bills, called Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU).

  1. Residence permit fee:

Código Receita STN – 140066

Valor Total – R$168.13

  1. CRNM issuance fee:

Código Receita STN – 140120

Valor Total – R$204.77

In case you do not have the financial means to pay the fees, you may present a statement of economic insufficiency, which will be reviewed by the competent authority. If you make a false statement, you will be subject to the payment of a corresponding fee or fine and to the applicable administrative, civil and criminal sanctions.

Source: Polícia Federal | | Accessed on: 15 March 2022.

Attention: The information presented here may be changed by the Federal Police at any time. Check the list directly from the Federal Police website for updated information (link above).

Information for immigrants coming to Brazil with a work or volunteer visa

Immigrants who will carry out work or volunteer activities at UFSC must have a temporary residence permit granted through the MIGRANTEWEB online environment before coming to Brazil. UFSC is responsible for requesting the permit on behalf of the immigrant in this online environment. Once the permit is granted, the immigrant is able to apply for a visa at the Brazilian Consulate in their home country. After obtaining the visa, they are allowed to come to Brazil and will have to register at the Federal Police to obtain the CRNM within 90 days of arrival in the country. In summary:

  1. UFSC requests the temporary residence permit on the MIGRANTEWEB system;
  2. After approval, the immigrant applies for a visa at the Brazilian Consulate;
  3. Holding the visa, the immigrant comes to Brazil;
  4. In up to 90 days, the immigrant registers and obtain the CRNM at the Federal Police (PF).

To request a temporary residence permit, please contact SINTER at

As explained above, upon arrival in Brazil, the immigrant holding a work or volunteer visa must register at the Federal Police (PF) and obtain the CRNM. The official list of documents required by the Federal Police is available here:

Below we provide a guide containing the list of required documents and a brief explanation about what is being requested. This page should be used as guidance only. You should always refer to the official information provided on the Federal Police website (link above).


Document Details
Requerimento próprio, por meio de formulário eletrônico devidamente preenchido no site da PF; Fill in an electronic request form, available on the Federal Police (PF) website.

In tipo de registro [type of registration], choose the option Registro após publicação no Diário Oficial da União [Registration after publication in the Federal Official Gazette].

1(uma) foto 3×4, recente, colorida, fundo branco, papel liso, de frente; Prepare a recent front face photo, size: 3 cm x 4 cm, in color, with white background, and printed on plain paper. In case the PF’s biometric data collection system is unavailable, a photo might be required.
Declaração de endereço eletrônico e demais meios de contato, preferencialmente acompanhada de cópia simples de comprovante de residência; Inform your electronic email address and other means of contact by filling in this statement, preferably accompanied by a copy of your proof of residence.
Documento de viagem válido ou outro documento que comprove a identidade e a nacionalidade, nos termos dos tratados de que o País seja parte Provide a copy of your passport, including:

  • Identification page;
  • Page showing the Brazilian visa;
  • Page showing the entry stamps to Brazil.
Certidão de nascimento ou casamento ou certidão consular, quando o documento de viagem ou documento oficial de identidade não trouxerem dados sobre filiação; If your Passport or official ID document does not show your parents’ names, you can present your Visa Application Form, which should contain such information.

In case you don’t have a visa application form, you shall present your birth certificate or marriage certificate issued abroad (or, even, a consular certificate), observing the Brazilian legalization and translation rules.

Página do Diário Oficial da União em que conste o deferimento; Present the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) page  showing the permit has been granted and containing your full name.
Declaração, sob as penas da lei, de ausência de antecedentes internacionais penais ou policiais (dispensada para menores de 18 anos); Fill in a statement, under penalty of perjury, of no criminal or police record in any country (if you are older than 18 years old).
Comprovante de pagamento da taxa de emissão de CRNM (código de receita 140120, valor R$204,77), quando aplicável. Show proof of payment of the CRNM issuance fee (R$204.77), when applicable.


Click here to make the payment. You will generate the following bill, called Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU).


  1. CRNM issuance fee:

Código Receita STN – 140120

Valor Total – R$204.77


In case you do not have the financial means to pay the fees, you may present a statement of economic insufficiency, which will be reviewed by the competent authority. If you make a false statement, you will be subject to the payment of a corresponding fee or fine and to the applicable administrative, civil and criminal sanctions.

Source: Polícia Federal | | Accessed on: 15 March 2022.

Attention: The information presented here may be changed by the Federal Police at any time. Check the list directly from the Federal Police website for updated information (link above).

Information for immigrants holding a work, volunteer, or teaching, research or outreach visa* – Renewing the RNM


The temporary residence permit expiration date for immigrants holding a work, volunteer, or teaching, research or outreach visa will depend on the characteristics of each type of visa. The renewal of the residence permit will be requested by UFSC on the MIGRANTEWEB online environment. Once the residence permit is renewed, the immigrant will have to update their registration and CRNM at the Federal Police within 30 days of the publication in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU). In summary:

  1. UFSC requests the renewal of the temporary residence permit on the MIGRANTEWEB system;
  2. Once the renewal is granted and published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU), the immigrant must update their registration and request a new CRNM at the Federal Police (PF).

*Even though the request for a teaching, research or outreach visa is made directly at the Brazilian Consulate in the immigrant’s home country and the request for a residence permit is made at the Federal Police (PF), the renewal request must be processed on the MIGRANTEWEB system and its approval must be published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU). If you have any doubts, you can contact our office.

To request the renewal of your temporary residence permit, please contact SINTER at

The official list of documents required by the Federal Police is available here:

Below we provide a guide containing the list of required documents and a brief explanation about what is being requested. This page should be used as guidance only. You should always refer to the official information provided on the Federal Police website (link above).


Document Details
Requerimento próprio, por meio de formulário eletrônico devidamente preenchido no site da PF; Fill in an electronic request form, available on the Federal Police (PF) website.

In tipo de registro [type of registration], choose the option Registro após publicação no Diário Oficial da União [Registration after publication in the Federal Official Gazette].

1(uma) foto 3×4, recente, colorida, fundo branco, papel liso, de frente; Prepare a recent front face photo, size: 3 cm x 4 cm, in color, with white background, and printed on plain paper. In case the PF’s biometric data collection system is unavailable, a photo might be required.
Declaração de endereço eletrônico e demais meios de contato, preferencialmente acompanhada de cópia simples de comprovante de residência; Inform your electronic email address and other means of contact by filling in this statement, preferably accompanied by a copy of your proof of residence.
Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório (CRNM); Show your RNM card (CRNM), a RNM certificate or a RNM request confirmation.

Even though this document is not listed on the PF’s website, it is required by the Superintendent of the Federal Police in Santa Catarina

Documento de viagem válido ou outro documento que comprove a identidade e a nacionalidade, nos termos dos tratados de que o País seja parte Provide a copy of your passport, including:

  • Identification page;
  • Page showing the Brazilian visa;
  • Page showing the entry stamps to Brazil.
Certidão de nascimento ou casamento ou certidão consular, quando o documento de viagem ou documento oficial de identidade não trouxerem dados sobre filiação; If your Passport or official ID document does not show your parents’ names, you can present your Visa Application Form, which should contain such information.

In case you don’t have a visa application form, you shall present your birth certificate or marriage certificate issued abroad (or, even, a consular certificate), observing the Brazilian legalization and translation rules.

Página do Diário Oficial da União em que conste o deferimento; Present the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) page  showing the permit has been granted and containing your full name.
Comprovante de pagamento da taxa de emissão de CRNM (código de receita 140120, valor R$204,77), quando aplicável. Show proof of payment of the CRNM issuance fee (R$204.77), when applicable.

Click here to make the payment. You will generate the following bill, called Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU).

  1. CRNM issuance fee:

Código Receita STN – 140120

Valor Total – R$204.77

In case you do not have the financial means to pay the fees, you may present a statement of economic insufficiency, which will be reviewed by the competent authority. If you make a false statement, you will be subject to the payment of a corresponding fee or fine and to the applicable administrative, civil and criminal sanctions.

Source: Polícia Federal | | Accessed on: 15 March 2022.

Attention: The information presented here may be changed by the Federal Police at any time. Check the list directly from the Federal Police website for updated information (link above).