AUGM “XXIX Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores” takes place in Sucre, Bolivia


The XXIX Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores of the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo [Association of Montevideo Group Universities] (AUGM) takes place between 7 and 9 September at the Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontifícia de San Xavier e Chuquisaca (USFX), in Sucre, Bolivia, with the theme “Generación de conocimientos desde el Sur para el mundo post pandemia” [“Generating knowledge from the South to the post-pandemic world”].

Created in 1993, the Jornadas annually brings together hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students from AUGM member universities, with the aim of promoting integration among students and establishing international research groups. This year, four UFSC undergraduate students are participating in the event, in addition to Prof. Marciel Stadnik, who represents UFSC in the Comité Académico Agroalimentario [Agrifood Academic Committee].


Applications open for the XXVI AUGM Jornadas Jovens Pesquisadores – Deadline: 9 July 2018


Applications for the XXVI Jornadas de Jovens Pesquisadores of the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM) are open until 9 July 2018. The event will take place from 17 to 19 October 2018 at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNICUYO) in Mendoza-Argentina. The theme chosen for the 2018 event is “A 100 años de la Reforma Universitaria: Saber te hace libre” [100 years of the university reform: knowledge makes you free].


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