UFSC faculty member takes part in the IV AUGM International Forum on Human Rights, in Buenos Aires
The Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) participated in the IV International Forum on Human Rights, organized by the Association of Montevideo Group Universities (AUGM) Human Rights Chair, between 23 e 25 October 2024, at Universidade Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Professor Juliana Viggiano, from the Department of Economics and International Relations, represents UFSC in the Chair and took part in the event which had as its theme “The university as a human right – building democratic spaces and solidarity resistance”.
The forum´s program includes panels and discussions between academics, civil society representatives and activists, who discussed challenges and strategies for strengthening human rights in higher education. The opening panel featured Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and the keynote speech by Dr. Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni, who addressed the role of universities in tackling in inequalities and promoting democracy. The closing lecture, led by Professor Dr. Victoria Kandel, from the Universidade Nacional de Lanús, reinforced the need to make human rights education a continuous and integrated practice to fight against hate speech.
Juliana Viggiano also took part in the annual meeting of the Human Rights Chair, where the representatives of the member institutions discussed strengthening the exchange of faculty, students and administrative staff in the area of human rights. The review of the Chair’s 2024-2026 Triennial Plan and the proposal for greater coordination between AUGM universities to develop joint projects were also topics discussed in the meeting.
According to the professor, UFSC’s involvement in the event is “an opportunity to promote the internationalization of research and outreach in the area of human rights, as well as to build joint strategies with universities from participating countries to strengthen human rights practices and activities in universities”.