Programa Escala de Gestores y Administradores da AUGM РResultado da Sele̤̣o na UFSC


Sem títuloThe Office of International Relations (SINTER), according to the call n. 16/2015/SINTER,of 23 November 2015 (rectified on 10 December 2015), publishes the result of the selection at UFSC of technical and administrative staff in educatoin selected for exchange in one of the member universities of Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM), through Programa Escala de Gestores y Administradores.

(Portugu̻s (Brasil)) [Retificado] Abertas as inscri̵̤es para o Programa Escala de Gestores y Administradores РInscri̵̤es at̩ 10/12/2015


Escala Gestores y AdministradoresThe Office of International Relations (SINTER) publishes the Edital n.º 16/2015/SINTER, 23 November 2015 (rectified in 10 December 2015), the will select two technical and administrative staff in education ar UFSC for exchange in one of the member universities of Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM), through thePrograma Escala de Gestores y Administradores.  Staff that have been working at UFSC for, at least, three years are able to participate.

[Cancelled] Edital 2016 of Programa Escala Estudiantes de Posgrado


Sem títuloSINTER informs that the Edital Conjunto n.º 1/2015/SINTER/PROPG was cancelled and has no effect for the following reason: there was a misunderstanding about the schedule by this Office.

The deadline for receiving the applications by the foreign universities is already closed.

We apologize for the frustated expectations and any disturbs.

A new call will be published on 2016.
