Second call for the project Erasmus Mundus ELARCH – Applications until 20/3/2016


Logo-elarchUntil 20 March 2016 candidates can apply for the second call for the mobility project Erasmus Mundus ELARCH (Euro-Latin America partnership in natural Risk mitigation and protection of the Cultural Heritage), funded by European Union.

For candidates from Latin America, there were offered 16 scholarships for undergraduate students, 20 scholarships for full master, 13 scholarships for post doctoral and 4 scholarships for Staff.

Inscrições pelo Programa Outgoing para a Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten (Alemanha) – Até 20/2/2016


lhqdfBandeira_resized_destaque_01Students of Language and Literature – German interested in making the exchage at Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten (Germany) through Outgoing Program (2016.2) must apply by UFSC online system until 20 February 2016.

The candidates should follow the rules of Edital do curso de Letras – Alemão, as well as the published rules at Edital 18/2015/SINTER.


Applications for Outgoing Program in 2016.2 – Applications from 15/02 to 30/04/2016


The Office of International Relations (SINTER) publishes the call with the rules for undergraduate students from UFSC that wish to apply for exchange through the Outgoing Program in the second semester of 2016.

Ps: all the doubts about application procedures may be solved by e-mail (

Edital 18/2015/SINTER (17 December 2015).


Further information:

SINTER new secretaries take office


24fe692d88b4331dc953b2e31eecb31eProfessor Aguinaldo Roberto Pinto assumed the Office of International Relations (SINTER) on 27 November 2015. Professor Marcelo Farina  was nominated as deputy secretary. Both are from School of Biological Sciences (Centro de Ciências Biológicas – CCB).

UFSC conquered the position n. 148 among BRICS universities (THE World University Rankings)


download (3)Phil Baty , the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE) editor, announces that the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina conquered the position n. 148 among BRICS universities – bloc of countries formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The inclusion of UFSC in the ranking of The BRICS & Emerging Economies is a significant achievement.