International students, welcome to UFSC and Florianópolis!


We hope that you enjoy all the possibilities that UFSC offers you, and  wish you an unforgettable experience in Brazil.

The “Magic Island” and the State of Santa Catarina have beautiful scenaries and opportunities for having fun.

Please enjoy them, and always have your safety in mind  while here:

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages and heavy foods before swimming;
  • Be cautious of depth when diving, waters can be shallow;
  • Swim away from rocks or piers;
  • Avoid wet rocks because they are slippery;
  • Only hike accompanied by local experienced guides;
  • When learning how to surf be sure to hire a professional instructor;
  • Wear sunscreen daily, sunburns can be severe;
  • Consult a travel agency before planning longer trips.

For more tips on how to enjoy your stay here safely, please contact your “padrinho” or “madrinha” at UFSC, or visit our International Office.

We also recommend that you register your stay here at the consulate of your country. You will find a list of consulates here.

We will be glad to assist you.

Contact: (48) 3721-6406 |
