Event “Lembrar para não esquecer” – 20/11/2015, 8h30min, Auditório do CED


logo_11_400x400The Interdisciplinary Center for African Studies and Afro-Brazilian (NIEAAB) will promote, on 20 November, after 8h30, at Auditório do Centro de Educação (CED) (Building B, Room 109), the event “Lembrar para não esquecer”.

There will be addressed themes like: relations between Africa and Brazil, The PEC-G Program and the arrival of african students to UFSC, among others.

Click here to see the event folder.

For further information, contact nieaab@contato.ufsc.br | (48) 9946-0493 or (48) 9649-1728 (whatsapp)

Published by: Fernanda Leal – SINTER

Event “German/Latin American Cooperation in Business and Science” – 11/11, 10 h, at Auditório de Eng. Química (CTC)


713311213_74387 Bayreuth University (Germany) and the Laboratório de Controle de Processos, with support of The Office of International Relations (SINTER) invite the undergraduate and graduated students of UFSC to the event German/Latin American Cooperation In Business and Science, that will hapen at Auditório 1 of the Chemical Engineering Departament, at Technological Center (CTC), on 11 November, after 10h. The objective of the event is to publish the cooperation between Brazil and Germany and inaugurate the ex-students of Bayreuth Center, that will work to make easier the routing of future students.

The event is free and open for the university community. The interested may apply at this link.

Acess here the full schedule.


Conferencia de la Juventud Latinoamericana sobre Cambio Climatico (COY 11) – From 26 to 28/11/2015 – Auditório Guarapuvu, UFSC


COYThe Conferencia de la Juventud Latinoamericana sobre Cambio Climatico (COY 11) will happen simultaneously to the 11 Youth Conference of Paris, from 26 to 28 de November 2015, at Auditório Guarapuvu of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).

With support of The Office of International Relations (SINTER), the openning statement of the event, on 26 November, will be pronunced by Mr. José Alberto Mujica Cordano (“Pepe Mujica”), Former president and senator of Uruguay.

The International Youth Climate Movement is the biggest Youth net involved with climatic changes questions. Young people, national organization and/or national organization and transnational nets lead knowledge and mobilization projects to inspire and inform younger people about climatic risks.

For more information and application access the website.
