Lecture about exchange opportunities in France


Last Tuesday (27 March), SINTER received a visit from a representative of Campus France Brasil – a French government agency responsible for promoting higher education – which gave a lecture at the School of Socio-Economic Sciences’ (CSE) auditorium. The presentation covered topics such as the admission application process, the advantages of the French higher education, scholarships available for foreign students, information about the exchange programs and the procedures for applying for a student visa.

If you want to know more about our French partner institutions, click here.

Campus France Brasil will be holding a lecture about exchange opportunities in France


Resultado de imagem para campus franceOn 27 March, UFSC will receive a team from Campus France Brasil– a French government agency responsible for promoting higher education – which will give a lecture about study opportunities in France.

The presentation will cover topics such as the admission application process, the advantages of the French higher education, scholarships available for foreign students, information about the exchange programs and the procedures for applying for a student visa.

The event will take place at the School of Socio-Economic Sciences’ (CSE) auditorium, at 11 a.m., on 27 March (Tuesday).


Lecture on exchange opportunities at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy)


The Office of International Relations (SINTER) invites all the undergraduate students to a lecture about exchange possibilities at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy). The institution has a cooperation agreement with UFSC in all knowledge areas of common interest.

The event will be held on 26 March – 11 a.m. at the School of Socio-Economic Sciences’ (CSE) auditorium – and will be conducted in english by Prof. Glória Lupo Pasini, who, besides working at the institution  is also graduated from it.

Brazil’s stand at the 2016 EAIE Conference is among the most popular in the event



The EAIE (European Association for International Education) Annual Conference is the second largest international education conference in the world. This year, it takes place in Liverpool, between 13 and 16 September.

Brazil’s stand has occupied the top positions among the most selected exhibitors in the conference application, a result of the efforts of the Brazilian Association for International Education (FAUBAI), the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Brazilian Tourist Board (Embratur) in organizing and facilitating the country’s participation in the event.

UFSC Secretary for International Relations, Prof. Lincoln Fernandes, is representing the university in the event, while he strengthens partnerships and seeks new opportunities for the UFSC community.

Mujica at UFSC: “I’m in love with life”


COY-Abertura-com-Mujica-Foto-Henrique-Almeida-20The senator and former President of Uruguay José Mujica ended his speech at the opening ceremony of the 11th Conference of the Latin American Youth on Climate Change ( COY11 ) with a very specific request: “Please, be no traitors to what is about to come”. And he went out , leaving in the air the weight of the words he spoke for about an hour and twenty minutes before the 1300 people who occupied all over the Garapuvu Auditorium on the evening of Thursday, November 26.

UFSC attends the Seminário de Internacionalização do Currículo – Univali, Balneário Camboriú, 12 and 13/11/2015


UFSC, represented by the administrative coordinator of The Office of International Relations (SINTER), Fernanda Leal,  and by the professor of the program of Pós-graduação em Administração Universitária (PPGAU), Dra. Luciane Stallivieri, attended the I Seminário de Internacionalização do Currículo (SeIoC), promoted by the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (Univali), in Balneário Camboriú.

The event aimed to discuss one of the main questions pointed by the Internationalization fo Higher Education and, above all, by domestic internationalization (the internationalization of the own campi): the reformulation of the curricula of courses and teaching and evaluation practices. It is about the beginning of a recognition process that the curriculum is the basis for a international and intercultural formation, aiming the promotion of global citizenship.


XII Seminário Brasil-Portugal de Internacionalização de empresas – Auditório do CSE/UFSC, 10/12/2015


banner-724x1024The Seminário Brasil-Portugal de Internacionalização de Empresas is a realization of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), through the Instituto de Pesquisa e Estudos em Administração Universitária (INPEAU), in a partnership with high education institutions from Portugal (Instituto Superior de Economia and Gestão da Universidade de Lisboa)  and from Brazil (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos).

This year, the 12th edition, the seminary will take place at the Auditorium of Centro Socioeconômico (CSE) of UFSC, in Florianópolis, on 10 december 2015, after 8h30.

The conferences and the panels will talk about “Estratégia e Gestão nas relações bilaterais“. CEOs, university directors, researchers, professors, staff, undergraduate and graduate students and other professionals are invited to the event.

The event is free and open to the university community. Join it!

Click here to check the preliminar schedule.

Click here to apply.

Published by: Fernanda Leal – SINTER