Registration is open for the Introduction to Brazilian Portuguese – A1 [Level 1] course, to take place between 15 February and 25 February. This course is offered to students, researchers, foreign professors and external community members who need an introduction to the Portuguese language.
The aim is to enable participants to master the structures, expressions and sentences of everyday use, allowing them to communicate in a simple way, introduce themselves and others, ask questions and give answers about personal aspects and their surroundings. The course will also present elements of the Brazilian culture through relevant texts and famous MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) songs.
This 20-hour, self-instructional course will be held online through the virtual teaching and learning environment Moodle. To progress in the course, students need to view all contents and complete the activities proposed at the end of each module. For approval in the course, they must obtain a final grade equal to or higher than six (6.0).
At the end of the course, participants who complete all required activities and obtain the minimum grade required will receive an electronic certificate issued by UFSC and valid throughout the country.
Register until 14 February through the link:
Read the course plan here.
This post is available in Brazilian Portuguese only. Please access the website in Portuguese to read it.
This post is available in Brazilian Portuguese only. Please access the website in Portuguese to read it.
This post is available in Brazilian Portuguese only. Please access the website in Portuguese to read it.
The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER) has launched the course “Culture in focus in German texts: a translation project” targeted at the UFSC community. Registrations are open from 7 to 22 November 2022, on this link.
The course aims to develop a translation project based on functionalist approach to translation. The aim is for participants to perceive the cultural aspects within different textual genres in German, as well as to recognize the essential factors of the functionalist approach to translation, which is the focus of the project. As an outcome, participants are expected to feel capable of developing a translation project based on the textual analysis model for translation.
The synchronous classes will take place online, via Google Meet, from 23 November to 14 December, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., on Wednesdays. The course totals 16 hours and has 20 places. Participants are required to have A2-level proficiency in German to participate. Should you have any questions, please contact Juliana de Abreu at
The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER) promotes the first in-person edition of the course “Ways and perspectives of studying in Italy – reading and understanding Calls for Applications in Italian language”. Register here until 19 October.
The initiative seeks to equip the academic community (undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff members) with the ability to understand Calls for Applications for scholarships in Italian educational institutions. It is intended that students, at the end of this course, will be able to: 1) easily locate Calls for Applications for Italian government scholarships; 2) understand the Italian higher education system; 3) know the main Italian proficiency tests; 4) recognize characteristics of a Call for Applications written in Italian; 5) autonomously fill in application forms.
The course will be taught by the instructors Cleide Giacomelli Borraz and Telmo Clos Ambrosini, with the supervision of Prof. Daniela Bunn (MEN/CED). The course has 15 places and totals 20 hours, distributed into three meetings scheduled for 24 October (Module 1), 31 October (Module 2), and 7 November (Module 4), from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The meetings will be held at NILT, located in the Rectorate Building II (Av. Desembargador Vitor Lima, 222). Participants are not required to have previous knowledge of the Italian language.
The Institutional Center for Languages and Translation (NILT/SINTER) is promoting the course “Introdução ao Português brasileiro – Nível A1” [Introduction to Brazilian Portuguese – Level A1] for foreign students, researchers and professors who need an introduction to the Portuguese language. The classes will be online and self-instructional. Registrations will be open from 30 September to 12 November 2022.
The aim is to enable participants to master the structures, expressions and sentences of everyday use, allowing them to communicate in a simple way, introduce themselves and others, ask questions and give answers about personal aspects and their surroundings. The course will present elements of the Brazilian culture through texts related to the content being learned and through famous MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) songs.
The course totals 20 hours and a certificate will be provided to the participants who complete all mandatory activities and achieve the performance required for its completion. Classes will take place from 7 to 21 November.
Check below the course content:
- Greetings and introductions;
- Verbs ‘ser’ and ‘estar’;
- Personal pronouns;
- Definite and indefinite articles;
- Prepositions ‘de’, ‘a’ and ‘em’;
- Contractions of articles and prepositions;
- Brazilian Portuguese alphabet and sounds;
- Lexical aspects:
- Week days and months of the year;
- Numbers from 1 to 40;
- Professions;
- Countries and cities.
Register here.