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Undergraduate Exchange (Bachelor’s and Teaching Degrees) for International Students

Each year UFSC receives hundreds of reciprocal exchange students from our partner universities around the world. Exchange students are first selected and nominated to study at UFSC by their home universities. Once nominated, the student will receive an email with instructions to complete his/her application. Students whose home institutions do not have an exchange agreement with UFSC are not eligible to apply as exchange students.

Partner international institutions wishing to send students to UFSC must access the online system with their existing username and password in order to nominate their students. If your institution does not have a username and password yet, please send us a message at incoming.sinter@contato.ufsc.br.

International institutions that do not have a cooperation agreement with UFSC should consult the procedures and criteria for submitting agreement proposals.

Please note that this system is exclusively for undergraduate exchange (Bachelor’s and Teaching degree programs).
For exchange opportunities at the graduate level (Master’s and Ph.D.), students must contact the Graduate Program of their interest directly. More information can be found in the UFSC Graduate Programs Guide.

Note: We inform that exchange in the Medicine Program at UFSC runs independently from SINTER and does not accecpt students to attend theorectical courses, only internships. Thus, students interested in  doing internship in Medicine should contact the Program Coordinator directly (medicina.estagios@contato.ufsc.br). For further information, visit the program’s website.

Note: Please be advised that the Undergraduate Program in Dentistry offers theoretical and theoretical-practical laboratory courses to students in international mobility at UFSC. For practical courses in clinics, the foreign institution or exchange student must contact the course coordinator via email at odontologia@contato.ufsc.br to inquire about available slots.

Information for incoming students:

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