UFSC welcomes Professor from City University of New York for Inaugural Lecture and Seminar


On 12 August, Monday, Professor Anna Stetsenko from the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center will give an Inaugural Lecture at the UFSC Graduate Program in Education (PPGE). The lecture about “Vygotsky’s theory of method and philosophy of practice: implications for trans/formative methodology” will take place at the Culture and Events Center at 9 a.m. and will have simultaneous interpretation done by Professor Gilka Girardello, from the Department of Teaching Methodology. The event is part of the first Academic Week of the Graduate Program in Education at UFSC.


UFSC welcomes 159 international students from 23 different countries


On 2 August, last Friday, the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) held a welcome session for 159 international students from 23 different countries. The event promoted by the Office of International Relations (SINTER) took place at the Rectorate Building Auditorium and included presentations of each country, of the Federal Police, of the Ampera Racing competition team, as well as a Capoeira demonstration.

Bilateral agreements and partnerships with associations and federal programs enabled the exchange of 145 students (of which four are from member universities of the Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo – AUGM) who come to study at UFSC this semester. Six students are here to pursue their degrees through the Exchange Program for Undergraduate Students (PEC-G) and eight students will initiate their graduate studies in the University (four in the Master’s Program and four in the Doctoral Program).


Final Results – Selection Process for the XXVII AUGM Jornadas Jóvenes Investigadores


The Office of International Relations (SINTER), in accordance with the Call for Applications no. 13 SINTER 2019, announces the final results of the selection process for participation in the XXVII AUGM Jornadas Jóvenes Investigadores:


Victor Cavadas Barreto de Albuquerque – Pharmacy

There weren’t any other applicants from Undergraduate Programs.


There weren’t applicants from Graduate Programs.

Tags: augm;jornadas;

Preliminary Results – Selection Process for the XXVII AUGM Jornadas Jóvenes Investigadores


The Office of International Relations (SINTER) announces the list of applicants initially selected for participation in the XXVII AUGM Jornadas Jóvenes Investigadoresin accordance with the Call for Applications no. 13/SINTER/2019:


Victor Cavadas Barreto de Albuquerque – Pharmacy

There weren’t any other applicants from Undergraduate Programs.


There weren’t applicants from Graduate Programs.

Applicants who wish to file an appeal may do so until 23 July 2019 by 11:59 p.m. The appeal must be in PDF format and sent to jornadas.augm@contato.ufsc.br

Tags: augm;jornadas;



We would like to inform the academic community that, due to the expense contingencies and the blockade of funds by the federal government, UFSC has suspended – for an indefinite period – all academic mobilities offered through the Escala Docente, Escala Grado, Escala Posgrado and Gestores y Administradores programs managed by AUGM (the Montevideo Group Association of Universities) and through the BRACOL and BRAMEX programs managed by GCUB (the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities).

Trips by representatives of AUGM Discipline Groups and Academic Committees are also suspended.

We also inform that, due to this scenario, no calls for applications will be launched for the selection of students, faculty and staff to go on exchange through the said programs in 2020. This way, we ask faculty members not to sign invitation letters, application forms, learning agreements, or any other documents related to these programs’ activities for the 2019 second semester or later. In case of doubts, we kindly ask faculty members to consult us before signing any such documents.

UFSC Central Administration considers the early suspension of mobility activities a more reasonable measure than incurring the risk of not honoring its financial commitments to these cooperation programs.

As soon as the economic situation is normalized, all programs will be resumed and the concerned students, faculty and staff will be communicated.

SINTER clarifies that all exchanges carried out through UFSC’s bilateral agreements (Outgoing Program) will not be affected by the Government’s blockade, because these are not funded by UFSC resources.

Tags: AUGMbolsasBRACOLBRAMEXComunicado